Abstract | Zdravstveno neispravna voda može uzrokovati razne bolesti i utjecati na zdravlje ljudi. Unosom
uzročnika (mikroorganizama) u ljudski organizam putem vode nastaju bolesti tzv. hidrične
epidemije. Od iznimnog su javnozdravstvenog značaja i predstavljaju opasnost za zdravlje ljudi
jer mogu dovesti do infekcija i epidemija sa smrtnim posljedicama.
Najznačajnije bolesti su kolera, legionarska bolest, enteroviroza, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis te
hidrične epidemije uzrokovane protozoama i vektorima. Područja nerazvijenih zemalja
pogodna su za pojavu bolesti uzrokovanih onečišćenom vodom i u tim područjima su slučajevi
epidemija najčešće zabilježeni.
Mikrobiološki pokazatelji vode najznačajniji su pokazatelji kvalitete pitkih voda, a osiguranje
zdravstvene ispravnosti vode za ljudsku potrošnju jedna je od osnovnih mjera zaštite zdravlja
Dezinfekcija je postupak kojim se iz vode uklanjaju patogeni i drugi mikroorganizmi te
osigurava zdravstvena ispravnost vode za ljudsku potrošnju. Obvezna je završna faza u procesu
kondicioniranja vode za ljudsku potrošnju.
Glavni zadatak dezinfekcije vode je smanjenje količine mikroorganizama do razine da ne
predstavlja opasnost za ljudsko zdravlje. Najučinkovitije i najraširenije metode dezinfekcije
vode su dezinfekcija klorom i njegovim spojevima, UV zračenjem, ozonom, filtracijom,
toplinom te srebrom i jodom. |
Abstract (english) | Unhealthy water has the potential to induce various diseases and adversely affect individuals'
well-being. The introduction of causative agents, primarily microorganisms, into the human
body via water is responsible for the occurrence of what are commonly referred to as
waterborne diseases or hydric epidemics. These ailments hold exceptional significance for
public health, as they pose a substantial threat to human well-being, capable of causing
infections and potentially deadly epidemics.
Among the most noteworthy diseases associated with contaminated water sources are cholera,
Legionnaires' disease, enterovirus infections, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis, and waterborne
epidemics resulting from protozoan and vector-borne pathogens. It is worth noting that
underdeveloped nations are particularly susceptible to the prevalence of diseases stemming
from polluted water sources, with epidemic occurrences being most frequently documented in
these regions.
Microbiological indicators of water quality stand as paramount markers for assessing the
potability of drinking water, underscoring their pivotal role in safeguarding human health.
Ensuring the purity and safety of water for human consumption remains one of the fundamental
measures to protect public health.
Disinfection, a critical procedure, serves to eliminate pathogens and other microorganisms from
water sources, thereby guaranteeing the safety of water intended for human consumption. The
inclusion of this step in the water treatment process is obligatory. The primary objective of
water disinfection is to reduce the concentration of microorganisms to a level that poses no
threat to human health.
The most effective and widely employed methods for water disinfection encompass chlorine
and its compounds, UV radiation, ozone treatment, filtration, heat treatment, as well as the use
of silver and iodine. |