Sažetak | Prestanak ugovora o radu je vrlo važna činjenica u radnim odnosima koji su u Republici Hrvatskoj propisani u najvećim dijelom ZOR-u. Osim ZOR-u, radni odnosi u RH uređeni su i nekim drugim zakonima ili međunarodnim ugovorima koji su sklopljeni, potvrđeni i objavljeni u skladu s Ustavom Republike Hrvatske, te važećim pravom Europske unije, implementiranim u naš pozitivni pravni sustav. Važnost i značaj činjenice prestanka ugovora u radu, na radne odnose u Republici Hrvatskoj odnosno na prava i obveze radnika i poslodavaca sudionika u radnim odnosima, očituje se prvenstveno definiranjem načina prestanka ugovora o radu sukladno ZOR-u. Kod definiranja raznih načina prestanka ugovora o radu sukladno ZOR-u, uvažavala sam činjenice: • da se člankom 112. ZOR-u taksativno navode svi načini prestanka ugovora o radu sukladno ZOR-u • da moramo razlikovati načine prestanka ugovora o radu kod kojih, dio njih određuje samo način prestanka ugovora o radu (sporazum radnika i poslodavca, otkaz, odluka nadležnog suda) dok drugi načini određuju i trenutak prestanka ugovora o radu (smrću radnika, smrću poslodavca fizičke osobe, smrću poslodavca obrtnika, prestankom obrta po sili zakona, istekom vremena za koje je sklopljen ugovor o radu, kada radnik navrši 65 godina života i 15 godina mirovinskog staža) • da u stvarnom životu može doći do slučajeva kad u istom vremenskom intervalu može nastupiti više načina prestanka radnog odnosa, uvažavajući da svaki od načina prestanka ima za posljedicu različita prava i obveze samih stranaka • da postoji dio radnika na koje se ne primjenjuju odredbe ZOR-u, a ne primjenjuju na radnike koji su kao članovi uprave, izvršni direktori ili u drugom svojstvu prema posebnom zakonu, pojedinačno i samostalno ili zajednički i skupno, ovlašteni voditi poslove poslodavca. • da postoje i drugi propisi koji osim ZOR-u reguliraju dio predmetnih radnih odnosa Na samom početku rada ukratko su objašnjene činjenice instituta radnog odnosa i ugovora o radu čijim sklapanjem radni odnos nastaje. Ovaj završni rad detaljno se fokusira na objašnjenje načina i trenutka prestanka ugovora o radu, odnosno radnog odnosa ističući jedinstvene karakteristike, prednosti i nedostatke svakog odnjih. Cilj i svrha rada je pružiti korisne informacije i preporuke koje će olakšati donošenje odluka o načinu i vremenu prestanku radnog odnosa u suvremenim uvjetima |
Sažetak (engleski) | The termination of the employment contract is a very important fact in labor relations, which in the Republic of Croatia are mostly prescribed in the Labor Law (ZOR in Croatian). In addition to the ZOR, labor relations in the Republic of Croatia are regulated by some other laws or international agreements that were concluded, confirmed and published in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia and the applicable law of the European Union implemented in our positive legal system. The importance and significance of the termination of the employment contract on labor relations in the Republic of Croatia, that is, on the rights and obligations of workers and employers participating in labor relations, is manifested primarily by defining the manner of termination of the employment contract in accordance with the ZOR. When defining various ways of terminating the employment contract in accordance with the ZOR, I considered the facts: • that Article 112 of the ZOR specifies all ways of terminating an employment contract in accordance with the ZOR • that we must distinguish between the ways of terminating the employment contract, some of which determine only the manner of terminating the employment contract (agreement between the employee and the employer, dismissal, decision of the competent court), while other methods also determine the moment of termination of the employment contract (death of the employee, death of the employer of a natural person, death of the employer craftsman, termination of the craft by force of law, expiration of the period for which the employment contract was concluded, when the employee reaches 65 years of age and 15 years of pensionable service) • that in real life there may be cases when several ways of termination of the employment relationship may occur in the same time interval, recognizing that each of the ways of termination results in different rights and obligations of the parties themselves • that there is a part of the employees on which the provisions of the ZOR do not apply, and do not apply on workers who are members of the management, executive directors or are in other capacity according to a special law, individually and independently or commonly and collectively authorized to lead employer`s business. • that there are others regulations that, apart from the ZOR, regulate the mentioned working relationshipAt the very beginning of the thesis, the facts of the institute of employment relationship and the employment contract, by which the employment relationship is created, are briefly explained. This final thesis focuses in detail on the explanation of the way and moment of termination of the employment contract, that is, the employment relationship, highlighting the unique characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The aim and purpose of the thesis is to provide useful information and recommendations that will facilitate decision-making on the manner and time of termination of employment in modern conditions. |